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Counting Money Practice for Test Prep


Money Resources for Test Prep

Links verified on 09/07/2020

1. Adding Dimes and Pennies.

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Find the value of the coins.  SEE MORE
2. Adding Dimes, Nickels and Pennies.

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Find the sum of the coins.  SEE MORE
3. Adding Nickels and Pennies.

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Find the sum of the coins.  SEE MORE
4. Cash Out.

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Practice counting money or calculating change. Students have three minutes (or can play without a timer) to complete as many sales as possible by giving customers the correct change. The game is totally customizable with different skill levels and hints/no hints.  SEE MORE
5. Change Maker.

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Figure out how many of each bill or coin that you expect to get back when you pay for something. Select Easy for problems involving less than $1.00. Four levels of difficulty. SEE MORE
6. Counting Change.

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A match game, counting coins to find amount of change and matching it with numerical number  SEE MORE
7. Free Money Worksheets.

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Several topics of money worksheets from Super Teacher with a few free sheets available. This link includes something for the teacher to print.  SEE MORE
8. Lunch Lady.

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Ensure the lunch lady doesn't turn grumpy by helping her get all eight students through the lunch line successfully. For each student, add up the prices of their lunch items and enter the value into the cash register. You have three minutes before the next class comes rushing in! SEE MORE
9. Money Flashcards.

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Coins and bills, or just coins, are displayed and students determine the value. Best used as a whole class review; this is not a game with an end. Occasionally values greater than $1.00 are displayed.  SEE MORE
10. Solving Problems Involving Coins.

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A lesson on how you could determine the value of a pile of coins. It involves a step-by-step plan for finding the total value of the coins, it will help you as you begin solving coin word problems.  SEE MORE
11. Spending Spree.

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Pick the item that you would like to buy. Then choose the correct amount of coins you need to pay for that item. This game has 10 questions.  SEE MORE
12. Tutorials.

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Select the coin (or combinations) you want your students to practice [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]  SEE MORE
13. U. S. Coins.

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(printables from Enchanted Learning) - Scroll a bit more than halfway down this page until you see Adding and Subtracting Coins (Printouts). Look below that to see about six dozen printables of various difficulty. This link includes something for the teacher to print.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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